0. Intro
The temptations of the 'entertainment' is extremely serious. So serious that I have been distracted by it so much that it has successfully hindered me from writing any new post for months. Not including the facts that I have been actively participate in a certain forum that also one of the cause of my delay in writing new posts. And now I started to become busy again with other things that I have to do such as projects,etc,etc. Now back to the main issues.
1.International Issues:
Seems like it's almost certain that Obama will be just like every other US presidents before him. No change in US foreign policy. And now it is going to become worse as US (as usual) unanimously supports everything that Israel did to the Palestinians right now.
2.Local Politics

KT election day is getting near. Who's going to win? From current conditions of local politics, I can be almost certain that the Pakatan will win. And what's more, I've been getting news that the BN candidate is a former secretary for Dato' Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi (Pak Lah), whose reputation has already reached all-time low for a Malaysian PM since Independence. So for this issue I leave it up to readers to ponder upon.
3.Palestine Issues:
Israel shows clearly how they really are in Palestine. Again. And now things have gone for worse. A massive assault has been launched against Gaza. But beware. They may use this assault as a divertion from West Bank ie Jerusalem. They have done such thing as this last time. And I assure you that they will use the same tactics again. But I don't know what they have been up to. Only The Almighty knows what they are planning behind the large-scale assault on Gaza.

Boycott is the chant of the day right now. But then will it be effective? How will it effect the daily lifestyle of the people? Who's going to lose more? It is us or them going to suffer more? How will it affect our economy? These are only some of the questions that needs to be answered before we start boycotting. I said these because there's high risk of the boycott backfires on us except if the government took the right initiative such as banning all products imported from US which has connections to the illegal nation known as Israel (any countries that supports Israel to be exact). Or for franchises they must be willing to stop their franchise contracts with companies that associated with pro-Israel and start their own brand names instead. In this manner the boycott can be successfully implemented with least backfires to our country. We are depending on them for so long and so deep they have been penetrating that almost all of our people have been identifying certain types of stuffs used in daily life using their brand names such "Milo" (chocolate malt drink), "Nescafe" (normal blend coffee), "Maggi" (instant noodles) and "Kiwi" (shoe polisher) to name a few. In this case I suggest that we start by changing our ways and phase out those brand names from our daily lives. By doing so, we will be able to free ourselves from their brand name shackles that has been brainwashed into our brains for generations. Hope we will succeed in doing so. God willing.
4.2.Racism in Malaysia Racism problem is getting worse & worse in Malaysia. The local Chinese wants equality in power yet they didn't want to share the economic wealth with others. And also, they want everyone to be equally treated & yet they refused Sekolah Wawasan concept as a way to create a "Bangsa Malaysia". So how can the government change their policies when the Chinese didn't even bothered to change THEIR ways first. Take example how Indonesia had done. They have succeeded in creating "Bangsa Indonesia" and everyone's being treated equally regardless of different religion backgrounds (except for the sky-high bribery rate in their government). So it's time for the government to take direct actions on them if they are still hard-headed with their reluctance to change their ways from being racist to being equal. I can only say one thing if they still accusing the government for being racist while they are racist themselves: LEAVE THIS COUNTRY! It's the easiest way. If you don't like it, you can leave. There are still many people loves this country regardless of what has been happening lately. I'm sorry if my tone sounds harsh but that's the truth. SO I think that's all for now.
i like your point of view regarding Racism in Malaysia. sounds a little bit like Kijangmas in his blog Deminegara. but keep it up! buch buch buch anan!
Thanx! I will keep it up.
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