Assalamualaikum and a very good day to all,
0.IntroErm... In this post, I'm going to emphasize the confrontation between two sides, in both international issue and local issue. As usual.
1. International IssuesAs I have seen the news from around the world in few days it seems that the tension between Iran and US is escalated b

y Iran's action of showing off their new missile, Shahab-3 which has a range of 1000km, putting US closest ally in its firing range, Israel. By doing so, Iran make sure that US-Israel will face terrible consequences shall they wished to attack the Islamic republic. And then, US, using UN as it's shield, said that Iran provoked instability in the region by doing their war games, 3 days in the row, started from Tuesday until yesterday but I'm not sure whether they will continue to commence their war games today or not. But still, I couldn't blame them for doing so as they have already been provoked by US-Israel

many times about the probability of US-Israel to attack them just because they are developing their own peaceful nuclear programme. Surely US-Israel doing so on purpose as International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has confirmed that Iran does not intended to develop nuclear weapons at all. I wonder if we are going to see whether Iran will be attacked by US-Israel in few months or years. Only the Almighty knows... We can only pray and hope that it won't happen.
2. Local PoliticsRight now most people know about the recent sodomy allergations made against DSAI by Saiful Bukhari Azlan. Sometimes I wonder why some people easily believed when DSAI said that he is being falsely accu

sed while at the same time they did not believed even a bit when Dato' Seri Najib said that he didn't have any relations with Altantuya Shaaribuu. Why? It seems that these people are vey closed-minded as they follow blindly without thinking. Actually I have been thinking, DSAI has been accused once about sodomy about ten years ago. If this recent sodomy allergation is a goverment plot to topple his support, I think that is incredibly stupid move made by the government to do so as some people already believed that DSAI has been falsely accused in previous case. It could have been that DSAI is a bi-sexual, as he also has a wife

, with five kids to go with that. Or he may also been a closet gay. Well, come on! He has already allerged with the same accusation twice. I don't think that the government is that stupid to use the same plot twice. But, for me, whether he may be gay, bi-sexual, or anything in his sexual orientation, the only thing that everyone must know that he has a very close relations with US. Supporting him is surely a terrible move in that matter. I'm sure that our country will be under US' whim if we let him become PM.
3. Palestinian Issues
I have to highlight this as many people tend to forget the suffering that our brothers and sisters faced everyday every time the mainstream news shifting their focus from this issue with other issues. For me, this issue shall always be highlighted everytime after main news in order to keep the people alert with the sufferings of those people. Not many people realised that the Zionists Regime keeps forcing the Palestinians off their own homes in order to maintain the most-racist chant, "Jewish Nation and preservation of Jewishness" alive. And they continue to tighten their grip on Jerusalem with many blasphemous actions commited against our 3rd holiest site in the world, Masjidil Al-Aqsa. I don't think many people kno

w that the Zionists Regime has been digging right under the Masjid using the pretext of searching for the so-called Temple of Mount underneath it. But the actions are clearly shown that they are trying to weaken the foundations of the Masjidil Al-Aqsa itself so that then it will collapsed and thus the Zionists Regime can erase the Islamic mark in Jerusalem. Right now they are already conducting the "total Judaization" of Jerusalem by erasing any Islamic marks in the city especially the Old City section. I hope that everyone can see and realise this terrible truth that been conducted right under our noses.
4. OthersFrom this post onwards, I will write my post in this manner as to ease my readers on the topics that I have wrote in it. This section will be used if there are anything else that I'm going to say about things other than the three topics above.
I think that's all for now, till then shall we meet again...
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