Friday, 4 April 2008

Just an update....

Assalamualaikum and a very good day to all,
It's been quite some time since my last post. I wasn't able to update my blog for few weeks because my finals are coming up during that time. But now I'm free to write a new post again as my finals had finished. Yay! So far, I have seen some updates on the local and international political scenes. From Dr. M, our former premier, who has been a speaker to a forum hosted by (if I'm not mistaken) which discussed about the recent political scene in Malaysia. During the forum, Dr. M and his son, Dato' Mukhriz, which is also the MP of Jerlun, urged our current PM, Pak Lah, to bear responsibility for the major loss by BN in the last general election by stepping down as the Malaysian PM.
Which is I also agree with them.
Then there's also issues about the next UMNO general assembly. Tengku Razaleigh (Ku Li) is already expressing his interest in challenging Pak Lah for UMNO presidency. Which he is getting encouragement by some of the members inside of the party such as Tan Sri Muhyidin Yassin although he's not expressing it directly but from his words, I can see that he support Ku Li's bid in challenging Pak Lah, the incompetent one. While at the same time, we can also expect to see another battle in UMNO youth after Dato' Seri Hishammuddin said that he won't defend his seat as UMNO youth's leader. It is yet to be confirmed but at least two individuals have been named as the contenders for the seat. Dato' Seri Dr. Mohd Khir Toyo, the former MB of Selangor and Khairy Jamaludin (KJ), the current deputy of UMNO youth. There are also rumour that Dato' Mukhriz will also joined the battle but it is still not confirmed yet. For Khir Toyo, he already told the media about his interest in bidding for the post, while for KJ, duhh... he WILL contest the seat as he is aiming to be the PM before he reach 40. In this case, I hope Dato' Mukhriz will join the contest because if I have to choose one from all the candidates, I'll go with Dato' Mukhriz as the other two are severely corrupted ESPECIALLY KJ.
For the political news from around the world, there are many leaders that have seen revolution in their countries as their parties are losing the general election such as Pervez Musharraf, where he lose the parliament to his arch-rival, Nawaz Shariff in Pakistan and Robert Mugabe, where he's not only losing the parliament to his opponent but also almost lost his own seat as the President of Zimbabwe. I bet that he's very grateful to the Elections Commission (EC) as he has second chance to contest off the presidency as there will be second round for the seat. For the US, I don't see that there will be any change to the US foreign policy whether Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, John McCain or even Ralph Nader wins the presidency as most of their campaign money comes from American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), the most powerful lobby in US which is also happens to be strong supporters of Israel. And you know what, most of Israel supporters are Zionists, which can be an equivalent to Nazi as they're extremely racist. Believe me. There are tons of proofs about Zionist racism in the Internet.
Erm... I think that's all I have to say for now. Till then shall we meet again....


Anonymous said...

TAHNIAh!!!! seorang lagi penulis politik lahir di Malaysia...
tapi apa yang anda tuliskan semuanya berasakan teori anda..
kebanyakan kenyataan anda tidak berasas..sekali sekala diselitkan dengan teori Zionis untuk memaparkan betapa Islamik nya diri anda...didalam entri ini anda mengatakan KJ dan Khir adalah mereka yang tidak jujur dan korup..tidak kah anda tahu membuat pertuduhan seperti itu tanpa apa2 bukti adalah FITNAH!!!!!!!!!!!
sebagai seorang Islam dan Rakyat Malaysia saya nasihatkan anda berhenti menulis berkaitan kehidupan orang lain dan mungkin boleh serba sedikit bercerita tentang pengalaman anda ataupun sebagainya...

qreemall said...

erm... lapor pada BPR... satu cadanganm yg menarik... namun berdasarkn sistem di negara ni... adalah amat sukar skali utk mendakwa pihak2 yg berkedudukan dan berpengaruh... dan lagipon... segala yg ada disini hanya dtg dr hasil analisis sy terhadap apa yg sy telah baca dan kaji... dan nmpknya saudara tidak membaca post sy yg pertama yg menyatakn bahawa semua ini hanya dr apa yg sy simpulkn dr isu2 semasa yg sy lihat... berkaitan isu2 mengenai KJ dan Khir Toyo, bukti semmgnya sukar utk didapati, cuma sy ingin sy katakn satu je kpd saudara... masakan pohon bergoyang jika tiada angin yg bertiup... fikir-fikirknlah...