Friday, 22 February 2008

Malaysia's 12th General Election is coming!!!

Assalamualaikum and a very good day to everyone,
Although the general election only started after 24th February, which the candidates' nomination day, the election fever has broke out all over the country since the day Pak Lah dissolved the Parliament last week. Everyone has been asking each other where are they gonna vote (only those who eligible to vote, of course, which is applicable to those above 21 years of age). 

Well, there are some frustrated faces seen from two days ago, when each party starts to name their 
candidates for  each seats by each state (both state and parliament seats).  These are noticable from those who has been phased out from the list of candidates to those whose names are not available in the SPR, thus unable to vote. On major media, whether they are the mainstream media or the alternative media i.e. Oppositions media, there's already war of words, propagandas, manifesto and many more happened between them.

And during this period, you can also observe the situation where some MP's suddenly appears from out of nowhere and visits the people under his/her constituency and gives out lots of promises. I don't even want to think about what kind of promises they made to those people. Anyway, during this time, I can say that "the power is in your hands"(unauthorised usage of words taken from Celcom's ad, hahaha). This is the time when you possess the power to choose which candidate that you think is the best to represent your constituency. For some people, they choose the party while some other people tends to choose the person who can actually do the work regardless of which party he/she represents. For me, I'll go with the latter. But, unfortunately I'm unable to vote as I'm yet to register as a voter. Don't get me wrong. It's not that I didn't want to vote, it's just that I couldn't get to register in the constituency where my hometown is as I have different  address in my IC. So, I think that I will need to change the address in my IC before I register as a voter.

But for those who already registered and eligible to vote, do your stuff. Choose your representatives carefully. I don't care whether you're going to vote for BN or Oppositions (PAS, DAP, Keadilan) or Independent but do what you must do. I think that's all for now.
Till then shall we meet again...


p/s: I don't know why, but somehow this blog is only good viewed using Internet Explorer. I just realised this today as I have been using Opera for a long time...


Anonymous said...

Pak Lah dissolved the Parliament ???

ko bia beno koromdo...
bkn agong ke yg bubarkn parlimen...

Anonymous said...

kamu x bley ngundi ka?? huahuahua...
::mahasiawa bersama rakyat]::

qreemall said...

pak lah la. lepas dapat kebenaran dari agong br pak lah dissolve parlimen. dan satu lg. aku xsuke tgk anonymous comment. kalo ade lg lps ni komen2 tersebut akan dibuang dgn serta merta.

Anonymous said...

Dah pernah ada usaha utk gabungkan ke 2 2 parti tapi sesungguhnya DIA lebih mengetahui baik dan buruk akan sesuatu. Maka tiada kejayaan atas usaha tersebut. Malahan, tergamak mengangkat org yang x bersalah sebgai kambing hitam.