Tuesday, 26 February 2008

Let the campaign begins!!

Assalamualaikum and a very good day to everyone,
So the battle of words has finally, truly begans. The election campaign has intensified after the candidates' nominations has been submitted on Sunday, 24th February 2008. And most of them, it seems, will be one-on-one match. Most people has already known that BN has won 10 seats unchallenged. While PAS has won 1 seat in the same manner. So, in the next two weeks we will be able to watch the campaigns and promises each party will offer to voters if they're chosen. Especially BN as they controlled the mainstream media, they're able to advertise on TV and mainstream newspapers for their campaigns. 

While the Opposition has limited space to do their part in the campaign. From my point of view, this is totally unacceptable as this clearly shows that the media is biased towards the ruling party. The media supposed to give equal footing for the Opposition to advertise their campaigns  as well. So we can see that the Opposition has only their own newspaper and websites as their media to advertise their campaigns. So I can only hope that one day the situation will change where we're able to see campaigns from both sides on the mainstream media. So let's hope that one day it will become a reality in this beloved country.

And another thing. I have always hope that one day UMNO and PAS will unite under one party unlike now. If we're unite, then the other races will not look down and try to manipulate us for their own gains. But unfortunately I still short of information on this one. So I also urged people to hope that this will become a reality one day.

Erm... I think that's all for now. Till then shall we meet again...

p/s: by the way, for the comments section, I urged those wanted to comment to give out your name and not just using 'Anonymous'. I will not accept any anonymous comments after this and it will be considered as spam. After all, is it too difficult to write nickname on ur comments?? And as usual, this page is best viewed on Internet Explorer.


Anonymous said...

mane bley doh...
nati abes la jadi kerbau sondol...
semua rakyat ikut je org kata....

qreemall said...

asal lak?