Thursday, 28 June 2007


Assalamualaikum to everyone,
Now I just want to say that finally i made up my mind and decided to move my blog from friendster to blogspot. At first i want to have my own url by registering at other pages and then link it to blogspot but i found out that it is much easier to do like this. And by the way, excuse my blog page as it is not completed yet ( i mean the layout, still looking lame and empty). And I will assure you that i'll gonna bring you my views of the political situation around the world (especially middle east issues). Please look forward to it. Thank you. Till then shall we meet again...


vangardx said...

salam, satu langkah yg bijak..dari dulu lagi aku nak ckp..kalau nak tulis blog dgn serius jgn guna friendster.. :D

ArMs' said...

keep it up bro..

qreemall said...

aku xtau dulu... dulu aku jahil... masih kurang lg dgn blog2 nih... tp kalo rajin bole gak la dipersilakn baca hasil blog lama aku tuh...