Saturday, 24 July 2010

Boycott Smart, Not Hard

Assalamualaikum and a very good day to all,

1. This issue may have gone cool since the attack conducted by Israeli commandos on the aid flotilla to Gaza but we must not forget that Israel is the enemy of freedom and Muslims.

2. One of the most powerful peaceful force to decrease their power is to boycott the companies that supported them.

3. But, we must also know that we cannot simply boycott blindly as wrongly boycott will affect us more than them.

4. How is this possible? Franchise.

5. Franchise usually just involving usage of the brand and standards of that brand by franchisees, where franchisees forked out their own money to gain those. And by agreement, they also get almost all of the profits themselves. The franchisor only gets money based on contract that can be either percentage of the total profit made by the franchisees or a fixed amount of money paid by the franchisees to the franchisor. 

6. So if we boycott franchises, our own economy suffers more than their economy as almost all of the contracts to suppply equipment, raw materials and others are supplied by local companies.

7. If we want to start boycott correctly, first we must target the pro-Zionists companies that has their products manufactured outside of Malaysia rather than boycott pro-Zionists companies that manufacture their products in Malaysia.

8. And franchises? Definitely the last to target as it will impact our economy greatly rather than foreign-produced products.

9. That's why I never agree when someone shouted that we should boycott McDonald's and Starbucks first. That will affect us first rather than the enemy. If we want to boycott that I can suggest boycott Levi's first as their product is not manufactured in Malaysia and it's pro-Zionists as well. It will have little impact on us since the local companies only distributed the products rather than manufacture them here.

10. So think twice and do your research before you started boycotting here and there blindly. Miscalculated plan will only destroy us before them.

11. I think that's all for now. Till then shall we meet again....
