Assalamualaikum and a very good day to all,
What defines us as "being alive" and "real"? Is it because of the phrase "seeing is believing"? If that's the case then blind people won't be "alive" and the phrase "looks can be deceiving" won't be coined. If we believe we are "real" because of our five senses, then people that possess less than five senses (blind, deaf, mute, etc.) would become less "real" then.
Are the things we see really is as they are? Are the things we touch, smell, taste, hear are really as they are? All of these are actually can be deceptive as all of these things we experience are all comes from the electric pulses sent from our skin, eyes, ears, nose and tongue to the brain.
How will you response if all the things we interact with, seeing, hearing, smell, taste and touch is not real? How will you response if the the "real" you is actually just a piece of brain in a box being fed by pulses that simulates all the senses?
Actually, this theory is not really original. It's been debated by many people. One of them is Harun Yahya which also have written many books with one of them referring to this issue. And there's even a movie made from this perception that's famous. And I think many people knew the title. It's "The Matrix". In the movie it shown that the main character originally being hooked to a huge machine and it simulates a "world" which he thought was real until he's approached by Morpheus. And then the rest is history. Just go and watch the movie for the full story.
Anyway, this will eventually will bring on some of the issues that has been questions by Atheists and some people as well such as the existence of Heaven and Hell, angels, Satan and his minions, genies and of course, god.
If this theory is applied, then the existence of all beings stated above will be plausible which actually is REAL especially god and His name is Allah which does not equal to any other beings in existence nor have anything equals to Him other than Himself.
If you believe in this theory everything that has been explained in the Quran about His powers and His abilities are easy to understand as He can give us anything or take away anything from us just by sending in impulse into our "brains" which in this case may be even actually just a piece of microchip on a motherboard.
We don't even know if we are actually just pieces of microchips placed on a huge motherboard which simulates our "life". We can't possibly knew this as our senses are limited to only the impulses sent to our brains.
But, whatever it is, the world we are living is not only consists of materials. There's also souls, spirits etc, etc which we can't conform their existence except if the said items can be sensed using our senses which in turn sent the data to the brain, and conform that the said items exist. And thus, it also can be said "it's all in your head". Hehehehehehe........
I think that's all I have to say for now.
Till then shall we meet again.....