Thursday, 12 August 2010

Malaysian Delegations Meets Palestinian PM

Credits to Palestinian Information Center.
Original Article Here

GAZA, (PIC)-- Palestinian premier Ismail Haneyya received on Wednesday two Malaysian delegations in his office and highly appreciated their government's efforts to break the Israeli blockade on the Gaza Strip and help its people.

The delegations were from civil society institutions and the Red Crescent in Malaysia and came to Gaza to express their solidarity with its people and the Palestinian government.

During the meeting, Haneyya congratulated the government and people of Malaysia on the occasion of the holy month of Ramadan and stressed that the support provided by Malaysia for the Palestinians reflects the spirit of Islamic unity it enjoys.

The premier urged the Malaysian government to increase its support for Palestine and its people in order for them to be more capable to stand in the face of the Israeli occupation and its schemes.

For their part, heads of the delegation told the premier that the Malaysian government and people stand by the Palestinian people and will do all they can in order to rejoice the Palestinian people's victory over the Israeli occupation one day.

They noted that the Malaysian institutions plan to build seven large projects in the Gaza Strip in order to strengthen the steadfastness of its people.

At the end of the meeting, premier Haneyya handed the delegations a letter to the Malaysian premier and gave them gifts as a small token of his appreciation.

Saturday, 24 July 2010

Boycott Smart, Not Hard

Assalamualaikum and a very good day to all,

1. This issue may have gone cool since the attack conducted by Israeli commandos on the aid flotilla to Gaza but we must not forget that Israel is the enemy of freedom and Muslims.

2. One of the most powerful peaceful force to decrease their power is to boycott the companies that supported them.

3. But, we must also know that we cannot simply boycott blindly as wrongly boycott will affect us more than them.

4. How is this possible? Franchise.

5. Franchise usually just involving usage of the brand and standards of that brand by franchisees, where franchisees forked out their own money to gain those. And by agreement, they also get almost all of the profits themselves. The franchisor only gets money based on contract that can be either percentage of the total profit made by the franchisees or a fixed amount of money paid by the franchisees to the franchisor. 

6. So if we boycott franchises, our own economy suffers more than their economy as almost all of the contracts to suppply equipment, raw materials and others are supplied by local companies.

7. If we want to start boycott correctly, first we must target the pro-Zionists companies that has their products manufactured outside of Malaysia rather than boycott pro-Zionists companies that manufacture their products in Malaysia.

8. And franchises? Definitely the last to target as it will impact our economy greatly rather than foreign-produced products.

9. That's why I never agree when someone shouted that we should boycott McDonald's and Starbucks first. That will affect us first rather than the enemy. If we want to boycott that I can suggest boycott Levi's first as their product is not manufactured in Malaysia and it's pro-Zionists as well. It will have little impact on us since the local companies only distributed the products rather than manufacture them here.

10. So think twice and do your research before you started boycotting here and there blindly. Miscalculated plan will only destroy us before them.

11. I think that's all for now. Till then shall we meet again....


Wednesday, 30 June 2010

Israel: Welfare Nation

Assalamualaikum and a very good day to all,

1. I still remembered few years ago when there are Islamic badges started to surface around campus in Malaysia.

2. There are many words written such as "Nikah: Connecting the Halal Way", "Free Palestine" and many more. But one of them caught my eye. There is one badge that says "Israel is not real".

3. I find that word interesting. I'm not so sure what the badge is supposed to mean, but if anyone ask me, I can say it's pretty real as in terms of its current existence with its own military might and its own economic strength. But how real is Israel?

4. Let's dwell back to the basic definition of a country. Wikipedia stated that "country is a geographical region. The term is often applied to a political division or the territory of a sovereign state, or to a smaller, or former, political division of a geographical region. Usually, but not always, a country coincides with a sovereign territory and is associated with a state, nation or government." source here

5. Most of the countries in the world have their existence recognised by other countries. One cannot say that their government exists when their existence as a nation is not acknowledged by other nations. 

6. There are few nations in the world which are not acknowledged its existence by all other nations such as: South Ossetia (only recognised by Russia and few of its allies), Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (recognised by Turkey only), Republic of Kosovo (recognised by US and few of its allies), Republic of Somaliland (informally recognised as a nation by few other nations) and Republic of Taiwan aka Republic of China (recognised by many but not People's Republic of China aka mainland China) just to name a few.

7. But, guess what? Israel also falls into the same category as the nations above when it's not recognised by most Islamic countries and few other nations. 

8. Most of the states above have its economy and military strength relies on the nations that recognised them such as  Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (relies 100% on Turkey for economy and military) and Republic of Taiwan (relies on US for military equipments).

9. Israel relies on US for its economy and military to prosper. Seems unbelievable? Not. It's real. It's impossible for a vile and savage government who always attacked its neighbours (Syria and Lebanon especially) can have good stable economy as Israel always threatened by so-called "local terrorism". But still, it can manage to have strong military capabilities and high-income citizens. 

10. How can this be happening? It's easy. The Zionist lobby forced on US government and most European nations to fuel its non-existence economy by forcing companies to set up office, factories, franchises in Israel (US) and by claiming "damage" to "Jewish" people by Nazi (Germany).

11. Those alone have fueled a bit of Israeli "economy". But US also gave billions of dollars of their taxpayers' money to fuel Israeli "economy" and military.

12. Without these, Israel will never been as it is today. They only able to maintain their existence based on US and European nations' "welfare" money aka subsidy. Without those money, Israel will be in similar position as Pakistan and North Korea where poverty thrives.

13. I think that's all for now. Till then shall we meet again....


Wednesday, 16 June 2010

I'm still here

Assalamualaikum and a very good day to all,

1. I haven't been able to update this blog for quite some time because I have been busy playing PC game titled "Dead Space" for the duration.

2. And now I have start working makes updating process even more difficult to be done later on. But still, I hope I would be able to update as usual (maybe 1 post per fortnight).

3. Just wait for my next post. Thank you.

Thursday, 6 May 2010

What If: Ringgit Pegging of 1998

Assalamualaikum and a very good day to all.

1. I am very pleased to announce this new section which I called "What If" section. Just to discuss the alternative scenario had this happened instead of the actual scenario.

2. For the first issue of this section, I would like to discuss with all of you what if back in 1998 the prime minister of the time, Dr. Mahathir had pegged Ringgit equals to US dollar (USD1 = RM1) instead of USD1 = RM3.80.

3. What the outcome would have been? Will our companies become instantly richer than before the Asia economic crisis engulfed in almost all part of Asia back in 1997? Will our people have more buying power than before?

4. Or will our economy collapsed worse than ever by discouraging the foreign investors from coming into Malaysia? Or will we be forced to take a loan from IMF by this action?

5. My opinion: the local companies will be able to take over many other failing companies and the local economy will not be dependent on foreign investment as the power of the currency is high. And the buying power of the people increased as the value of money increased and we can get foreign espertise easier as with higher value of ringgit.

6. So what are your opinions instead? Just think.

Thursday, 4 February 2010

Questioning the Materiality of Existence

Assalamualaikum and a very good day to all,

What defines us as "being alive" and "real"? Is it because of the phrase "seeing is believing"? If that's the case then blind people won't be "alive" and the phrase "looks can be deceiving" won't be coined. If we believe we are "real" because of our five senses, then people that possess less than five senses (blind, deaf, mute, etc.) would become less "real" then.

Are the things we see really is as they are? Are the things we touch, smell, taste, hear are really as they are? All of these are actually can be deceptive as all of these things we experience are all comes from the electric pulses sent from our skin, eyes, ears, nose and tongue to the brain.

How will you response if all the things we interact with, seeing, hearing, smell, taste and touch is not real? How will you response if the the "real" you is actually just a piece of brain in a box being fed by pulses that simulates all the senses?

Actually, this theory is not really original. It's been debated by many people. One of them is Harun Yahya which also have written many books with one of them referring to this issue. And there's even a movie made from this perception that's famous. And I think many people knew the title. It's "The Matrix". In the movie it shown that the main character originally being hooked to a huge machine and it simulates a "world" which he thought was real until he's approached by Morpheus. And then the rest is history. Just go and watch the movie for the full story.

Anyway, this will eventually will bring on some of the issues that has been questions by Atheists and some people as well such as the existence of Heaven and Hell, angels, Satan and his minions, genies and of course, god. 

If this theory is applied, then the existence of all beings stated above will be plausible which actually is REAL especially god and His name is Allah which does not equal to any other beings in existence nor have anything equals to Him other than Himself.

If you believe in this theory everything that has been explained in the Quran about His powers and His abilities are easy to understand as He can give us anything or take away anything from us just by sending in impulse into our "brains" which in this case may be even actually just a piece of microchip on a motherboard. 

We don't even know if we are actually just pieces of microchips placed on a huge motherboard which simulates our "life". We can't possibly knew this as our senses are limited to only the impulses sent to our brains.

But, whatever it is, the world we are living is not only consists of materials. There's also souls, spirits etc, etc which we can't conform their existence except if the said items can be sensed using our senses which in turn sent the data to the brain, and conform that the said items exist. And thus, it also can be said "it's all in your head". Hehehehehehe........

I think that's all I have to say for now.
Till then shall we meet again.....

Friday, 15 January 2010

Top four reasons why Herald shall not use "Allah" in its Malay Edition

Assalamualaikum and a very good day to all,
It's been quite some time since the last time I posted here. But now I think I do need to say regarding this issue as I am also quite disappointed by some Muslims that supported the notion. And here's why I am against it.

1. The word "God" in English does not translated to "Allah" in Malay. In Malay the word "Tuhan" is the correct translation, not "Allah".

2. "Allah" is an Arabic word, not Malay if one to argue that Bible in Middle East used "Allah" in their version. But from what I know, the word "Allah" is coined by the Muslims when Islam was introduced by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

3. Further for those Muslims who supports Herald, I come up with this. The phrase "La Ila Ha il Allah" in Arabic means "There is no God but Allah" in English and "Tiada Tuhan selain Allah" in Malay. And Muslims in Malaysia are being told by religious figures not to say "La Ilah" as it means "Tiada Tuhan" or "No God". This can be said that even in Arabic "Allah" does not refer to "God" as the proper, correct translation for "God" in Arabic is "Ilahi/إله ", not "Allah".

4. And, as I speak, there are also Christians that tries to dispose Islam's claim as being the continuation from the original teachings of Prophet Isa/Jesus by saying that Christian do not use "Allah" in their reference for God. Don't believe me? Use Google and search and I guarantee that you will found the disclaimer by the said Christians.

I think that's all I have to say for now.
Till then shall we meet again.....