Thursday, 13 March 2008

New Dissappointment and Fear....

Assalamualaikum and a very good day to all,
Okay, so our 'beloved' PM did not stepped down in nearest time as he just had take oath as the Malaysian PM for the new term. But now I can say one thing for him: if he didn't change his ways of leading the government, still "listens to the opinions from the young one (aka Khairy Jamaluddin)", I can say that this term may be the last term for BN to rule the country. The current Oppositions (BA) may come out as the next ruling party in the next general election.

So we go back to other matters in Malaysia. Just a few days after the election, there are already surprises in the this beloved country of mine, that is, Malaysia. One of the most controversial yet is the new coalition government in Penang, led by Lim Guan Eng, the secretary-general of Democratic Actions Party (DAP) and chief minister of Penang, with his decision to scrap New Economic Policy (NEP) in the state he led. Many Malays have been outraged by this decision and the mainstream media only adding fuel to the raging fire by adding racist comments about Guan Eng's decision.

True to that, me myself, at first, was also enraged by that decision. But after a few hours of thinking and trying to remember what I have seen in Penang before, I found out that there's not much difference between when the NEP was implemented in Penang and now. This is because the Malays in Penang before the election has already suffers with lack of development in their areas compared to other areas especially on the island part. You can go and observe for yourself the difference of the level of development between the eastern part of the island part and Balik Pulau, the only Malay-majority area left on the island. I'm sure that you will agree with my opinion on this part.

And from this, I can say that these things happened is all because of one thing: the NEP has not been implemented correctly in Penang. Based on the situation in Balik Pulau, I can say that the NEP has been corrupted and misused by the upper-echelons of United Malay National Organisation (UMNO) representatives in Penang. Only the closest ally and cronies gets the shares from the implementation of NEP. The rest of the Malay masses didn't get anything. And with the 'AliBaba' phenomenon is also rampant during those periods, so there's no way NEP can help the Malay masses in Penang.

Actually, NEP is a nice policy to start with. But the problem lies with the implementation part of it where corruption, cronism and nepotism has ruled over NEP. So the best way now is to scrap it and have the Malay leaders in UMNO Penang Division to think back and change their ways if they ever dreamed of getting the Malay votes back in Penang. And for the current government, I urged the Malay representatives in the Barisan Alternatif (BA) coalition government to do their job of getting rid of all 'ism' that has become the core of the previous government. In other words, do your job properly! One of the main reasons the previous government was rejected because they're not doing their jobs properly. Don't even forget that.

And for the other parts of the world, US as I have expected, they are already planning on an assault on Iran in the nearest time. It can be either in few days, few months, or even few years. But I predict that the assault will be commenced in less than a year after this post published. This is only based from the comments made by US military and President though (not to forget the two US generals that quits because of this matter). So everyone, prepare to brace the impact of another war in Middle-East.

While in Palestine, both West Bank and Gaza Strip, the Israelis as usual arrogantly continues to expand their illegal settlements even after UN resolution has already ruled that the settlements are illegal under international law and continue their assault under the pretext of protecting their civilians while they continuously attack the Gaza civilians. Very hypocritic of them to do so. Actually I have gotten sick of telling the evil deeds that the Israelis have inflicted on the Palestinians but still, I have to continue doing this until everyone in the world realises this gruesome facts about Israel, the illegal nation.

Erm, I think that's all for now. Till then shall we meet again...


Sunday, 9 March 2008

Pak Lah going down?

Assalamualaikum and a very good day to all,
Now after the general election, there's one big question still lurking on everyone's mind: will Pak Lah step down? Only the Almighty knows the answer. But based from the situation, it looks like he will, if he's brave enough to admit the huge loss to BN in this election is because of him. So, just wait and see in few days to see whether this will eventually come true....

12th General Election Results Gave Major Blow to Barisan Nasional

Assalamualaikum and a very good day to all,
Yesterday the results for Malaysia's 12th general election has come out. There are lots of surprises this time. Barisan Nasional (BN) has planned to bring 'Blue Wave' to Kelantan but instead BN attacked by 'Green Wave', 'Rocket Wave' and 'Light Blue-Red Wave' in Kedah, Penang, Perak and Selangor. This is the smallest majority yet for BN in both Parliament and State seats since the formation of Malaysia. Another major blow to BN is that most leaders of components parties in BN has suffer losses. Only UMNO's president and MCA's president managed to maintain their seats.

Based from the results, it is a clear sign that something's wrong with BN in these 4 years. And based from my observations on the local politics scene, I can say that it's because of UMNO's president, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi (aka Pak Lah). He is seen as the most uncompetent PM ever in Malaysia history as he didn;t managed to control his government during his first 4 years in Parliament and Cabinet. He failed to prevent his close relatives from abusing their relations with him. Especially Khairy Jamaluddin (aka KJ), his son-in-law. This guy has abused too much from his position as Pak Lah's son-in-law in order to get what he wants. I don't wish to say many more things about him here as there's already other blogs condemning him in many ways (visit this site and this site as examples).

Another thing is Pak Lah has increased local fuel prices too much. This is also a major factor in this major loss for BN. He shouldn't increase the fuel prices too quickly. During his 4 years reign as PM, he already increased fuel prices by more than 45 cents per litre. You can see it here:
before Pak Lah: RM 1.30+/-
now : RM 1.90+/-

before Pak Lah: RM 1.10+/-
now : RM 1.80+/-
I know that the price increase is due to global price rise, but many people should know that Malaysia is one of major oil exporter in this region. So why the increase? I don't know. You think for yourself why. It's just not logical and very unresonable. Other major oil exporter countries all have many benefits given to its citizens (excluding Indonesia, which is one of world's most corrupted nation). And I have one message to our dear Pak Lah: If you still have balls, you must bear this responsibilty for BN losses and resign from your position as president of UMNO and PM. That's all I can say. And that's all for now. Till then shall we meet again...

Friday, 7 March 2008

Last minute notice for the 12th General Election

Vote which one that you want. The power is in your hands. If you want change or if you don't want any change, be responsible and cast your vote on your favourite party this Saturday.
That's all.

p/s: By the way, I am NOT associated with any party whatsoever. I am trying to be completely neutral on this issue. Just doing my job of asking people to do their responsibility to the nation, that is, to cast their vote. Thank you.