If I remembered correctly, it's almost a month since the Annapolis meeting between Israel and Palestinian Authority with US as the mediator. For the meeting, I can say that it's a complete insult to the Palestinian people and the Islamic world as the meeting was never meant to solve the problems that the Palestinians face since the creation of Israel until now. If someone ask me why, then my answer is the contents of the meeting did not even mention the right of return for the Palestinians which Israel never and will never ever agree to as the right of return means that the Jews have to give up the land they consfiscated from the Palestinians. And what's more, in the Annapolis meeting, Israel is supposed to halt building new settlements in Palestine occupied territories and the Palestinian Authority has to crackdown resistance. But, just like US, Israel blantantly broke the deal with handing the contracts to build 300 new settlements in annexed East Jerusalem to the developers.
So, what can we say here? I just can say one thing: if Israel cannot agree to co-existing with the Palestinians, which they don't, then I can only repeat the phrase that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the Iranian Premier, has spoken before (even though it is said to be mistranslated into English by western press, according to himself) : Israel must be wiped off the map! That's the only thing that I can say to Israel. And I don't know why the Islamic countries have agreed to attend the meeting as their agreement to attend it shows that they approved of Israel. And especially Malaysia, as the OIC chairman to attend it, is a complete insult to muslims and the Palestinians especially as the Fatah faction that they called to the meeting does not represent the Palestinians at all. They're not even a legal government. The legal government of Palestinian Authority is supposed to be Hamas as they are the one who won the majority in the last election in Palestine. So, what's your opinion about this issue? If you have anything to say regarding this issue, just post your comment. I'll be gladly to hear it. For more information, you can surf these websites:
- http://aljazeera.net/english - Aljazeera News in English
- http://www.palestine-info.co.uk/en/default.aspx - News from Occupied Territories in Palestine